Nutrition Honors
The Department of Nutrition Honors Program offers an enhanced learning experience to qualified, academically-talented, and motivated students. In addition to developing at the professional level, students in the Honors Program have the opportunity to enrich their education through scholastically-challenging curriculum and an inquiry-based learning process. Honors students are encouraged to pursue additional distinctions at the university level. Learn more at nutrition.tamu.edu/undergraduate-honors-program/.

Undergraduate Research Scholarship
Undergraduate nutrition students can gain hands-on research experience working with A&M faculty members and receive scholarship funding through the undergraduate research scholarship program. All current undergraduate nutrition students are eligible to apply, and selected students receive a $500 scholarship during the second semester of the research program and after progress report submission. Apply at nutrition.tamu.edu/undergraduate-research/.

Nutrition Ambassador Program
The mission of the Department of Nutrition Ambassador Program (DNAP) is to represent Nutrition students, facilitate relationships, and impact the Department of Nutrition and the Aggieland community through intentional service centered around the Aggie core values of respect, excellence, leadership, loyalty, integrity, and selfless service. Learn more at nutrition.tamu.edu/dnap/.

International Opportunities
Undergraduate students in the Department of Nutrition can study abroad internationally through the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences international programs, as well as through Texas A&M University’s Education Abroad programs. International programs allow our students to practice the skills they learn in the classroom in a global setting. Join Nutrition faculty for a three-hour course and field trip to Italy June 2024. Learn more at tx.ag/Italy2024.

Operation Border Health and Preparedness
Students in the Didactic Program in Dietetics track of the B.S. Nutrition degree can join medical, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, psychology and public health students in participating in Operation Border Health and Preparedness (formerly called Operation Lone Star). Operation Border Health and Preparedness is an annual emergency preparedness exercise that provides free medical services to uninsured persons in South Texas and helps these communities prepare for disasters. DPD students provide basic nutrition guidance to community members under supervision of a RDN.

Nutrition and Dietetic Career Workshop and Fair (NDCW)
The Nutrition and Dietetic Career Workshop and Fair (NDCW) is an annual event planned for students preparing to apply to DI and graduate programs. This is a great opportunity for students to gain leadership skills and network with RDNs from different areas of industry and learn about graduate school opportunities. Two DPD students are selected annually to organize, coordinate, and lead the planning committees for the NDCW. DPD students can lead and participate in committees that together plan, organize and implement this event for Texas A&M Nutrition students and DPD students across Texas.