Students at Texas A&M get a world-class education at a reasonable cost—and graduate with far less college-related debt than their peers at other universities. We make it easy to find the information you need about the cost of attending Texas A&M University. Tuition and fees can vary based on several factors.
Funding an Undergraduate Degree
The Department of Nutrition awards scholarships annually to undergraduate students. This funding is made possible by donors and supporters of the department including former students, family and friends, former faculty and industry sponsors.
To be eligible for these scholarships, undergraduate students need to fill out the university scholarship application. Scholarship awards are assessed each year and given based on need and availability of funds. Students may be eligible for different scholarships based on the type of student they are. For more information on application deadlines, please visit the Important Dates page on Aggie OneStop. Students will be notified by the department if they have received an award.
COADC — Edward A. Hiler Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Edward A. Hiler served as Vice Chancellor of Agriculture and Dean of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and initiated the establishment of the Department of Nutrition and Food Science. Upon his retirement, his friends and the College of Agriculture Development Council established this endowment for students in the Department of Nutrition and Food Science with outstanding academic records, qualifications of a good leader, and a commitment to service.
Geoffrey & James Kunkel Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Harry Kunkel established the Geoffrey & James Kunkel Memorial Scholarship as an endowment in memory of his son, Geoffrey Kunkel, and brother, James Kunkel. It was the Kunkel family’s desire to support the recruitment and retention of nutritional science students with this scholarship.
Katie McLellan ’04 Memorial Scholarship in Nutrition and Food Science
Donna and Mike McLellan’74 established the Katie McLellan’04 Memorial Scholarship in memory of their beloved daughter, Katie, who was a Nutrition Dietetics major. The scholarship is awarded to junior or senior nutrition students in high academic standing and who demonstrate leadership and a commitment to learning.
Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation Scholarships
The Texas Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation offers a number of scholarships for students in nutrition and dietetics. The amount and number of Texas Academy Foundation scholarships varies in any given year dependent on the generous donation of sponsors, available funds, and qualified applicants. Selection of recipients is made by the Texas Academy Foundation Executive Board based on criteria outlined in Bylaws and Standing Rules of the Foundation.
Tracy L. Winder ’88 Endowed Scholarship
John and Linda Winder endowed this scholarship in honor of Tracy L. Winder’88 for seniors in nutritional sciences who demonstrate leadership, commitment to the dietetics profession, and academic excellence through the One Spirit One Vision – The Texas A&M Campaign.
Undergraduate Research Scholarship
The Department of Nutrition offers a unique opportunity for undergraduate nutrition students to gain hands-on research experience working with A&M faculty members and receive scholarship funding. The purpose of the undergraduate research scholarship program is to encourage research activities under the supervision of research and teaching faculty. All current undergraduate nutrition students are eligible to apply. Selected students will be awarded a $500 scholarship, which will be deposited in the student’s account during the second semester of the research program and after the progress report is submitted. The supervising faculty member will be awarded $1,000 for materials, supplies, and/or travel to support research activities ($500 at the beginning of each of the student’s research semesters). Applications are due five business days prior to the first semester of research. Learn more and apply with the Nutrition Undergraduate Research Scholarship Guidelines and Application.
COALS Undergraduate Research Scholars Program
New in 2024, the COALS Undergraduate Research Scholars Program offers a $1,000 scholarship.
Applications are not yet open for 2025-2026.
Funding a Graduate Degree
The Department of Nutrition supports graduate students through scholarships, awards, assistantships, fellowships, and travel and research grants.
Graduate Student Scholarships
To be eligible for university scholarships, graduate students need to fill out the university scholarship application. In addition to university scholarships, the Department may offer a limited number of competitive or travel scholarships based on merit and financial need. Recipients of such scholarships are eligible for a waiver of non-resident tuition. Requests for applications will be announced and distributed through the department.
- Rod Ziemer Scholarship: Need-based travel scholarship for graduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences who are presenting papers at the annual AAEA meetings.
Graduate Student Fellowships
Graduate fellowships are awarded annually based on availability of funding and need. They are open to master’s and doctoral students. More information can be found on the Graduate and Professional School website.
Regents Graduate Fellowships
These highly competitive awards are given to new graduate or professional students with exceptional
credentials. The awards are for one year with an option for renewal by the College. Fellowship nominations are made by the Department to the College or by the intercollegiate faculties to the Office of Graduate Studies. The size of stipends varies depending on College guidelines.
Graduate Merit Fellowships
These prestigious fellowships are awarded through a University-wide competition. The fellowships are designed to encourage high-quality applicants to enroll for the first time in graduate programs at Texas A&M University. Nominations are made by the department to the College. These awards are for one year.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships
The National Science Foundation, NSF, awards these fellowships and the money is administered through the Office of Graduate Studies. Applications can be obtained from the Office of Graduate Studies during September and October and sent directly to the NSF.
Willie May Harris Charitable Trust Graduate Fellowship
The Willie May Harris Fellowship is awarded to first time graduate students who are citizens of the United States. The award is for a one-year term. Nominations are made by the Department to the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Heep Award for Excellence in Graduate Study
The Heep Award was created to enhance recruitment of the best prospective Ph.D. students. This is a three year award made to incoming Ph.D. students, and can be given in conjunction with an assistantship in the department. Nominations are made by the Department to the Office of Graduate Studies.
Tom Slick Fellowship
The Tom Slick Graduate Research Fellowship Program in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
provides support for dissertation research of exceptional PhD students regardless of their nationality. The topic of the research conducted by the student should be relevant to Texas agriculture. Recipients are selected twice yearly with fellowships beginning January 1st and September 1st. Tenure is for no more than 12 months. Fellows are selected by a committee appointed by the Dean of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Fellows must have completed all preliminary exams and a dissertation proposal prior to the beginning of the fellowship.
Graduate Student Research and Presentation Travel Award
The Graduate and Professional School’s Graduate Student Research and Presentation (RAP) Travel Award provides graduate students with educational and professional development opportunities through reimbursing up to $1000 for travel expenses associated with academic conferences and research projects in the United States and abroad.
Other Funding Opportunities at Texas A&M University
You deserve access to a quality education that will open doors of opportunity. We want to partner with you to pay for your college expenses. Financial assistance is available for all Texas A&M students in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, work study, and military education benefits.
Non-Resident Tuition Waiver for Undergraduate and Graduate Students
The Competitive Scholarship waiver, authorized under Texas Education Code 54.213a, is an optional waiver that institutions can implement. An eligible non-resident student who holds a competitive academic scholarship of a specified minimum dollar amount for the academic year or summer for which the student is enrolled may be eligible to pay the fees and charges required of Texas residents without regard to the length of time the student has resided in Texas.